IN PRINT In her latest op-ed for NPR, Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani writes, "The EU looks to offshore its migrant crisis, and that is a horrifying prospect." Continue reading
In Spain, EL MUNDO continues reporting on the work of Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani and THE BURNING. Read now
Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani writes, "What if we started reporting tragedies in the Mediterranean like we do any others - with names, and not simply numbers? On February 4, 2018, I lost many of my cherished friends when a boat capsized just off the coast of Morocco. This isn't the story of their tragedy. This is the story of their lives." Continue reading
VOYAGE ATL highlights the work of Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani and SMALL WORLD FILMS. Read now
Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani writes, "Africans who arrive on European shores seeking asylum are immediately faced with difficult questions - questions that will determine their futures. Many ask themselves: 'Has my suffering been enough? Will my story be enough?' This is the story of one man named Alphonse." Continue reading
In Spain, EL MUNDO reports on the work of Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani and THE BURNING. Read now
Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani writes, "What if the only chance you had to escape the rebel forces in front of your house - what if the only chance you had to receive an education - what if the only chance you had for political or economic stability lay beyond the borders of your country? Mobility, it turns out, has a lot more to do with where you were born than with your human rights." Continue reading and explore the first ever Interactive Map of Global Im/Mobility
ON AIRHear Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani and Public Radio International host Carol Hills discuss one boy's incredible journey over 3,000 miles from his war-torn home in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the Spanish enclave of Melilla on PRI's "The World"... How does his story end when he finally reaches European soil?
Listen now... Interview begins at minute 17.12 Hear Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani and Public Radio International host Marco Werman discuss what exactly our international human rights laws are on PRI's "The World"... What lessons can we learn from Europe's investment in the Spanish-Moroccan border and how might they impact Trump's Mexican-American border wall plan?
Listen now... Interview begins at minute 9.21 Hear Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani and Public Radio International host Carol Hills discuss the forest camps where hundreds of thousands of African migrants and refugees live in secret brotherhoods on PRI's "The World"... How do these groups manage to survive and how did one reporter gain access to their hidden world?
Listen now... Interview begins at minute 6.25 IN PRINT continuedDr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani writes, "Melilla's detention center for unaccompanied minors is heavily patrolled. Inside, in the small cell he shares with eleven others, one young boy who they call Bambino marks the passing time with scratches on the wall. After a 3,000 mile journey from his home country to Europe's southermost border, he discovers that even on the other side, the human rights abuse continues." Continue reading
In Sweden, RE:PUBLIC reports on the work of Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani and THE BURNING. Read now
Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani writes, "'In the Congo, you grow up thinking about escape. When I was little, no one asked me what I wanted to be. They asked me where I wanted to go.' Bambino is 14 years old. He sleeps on a blanket in the forest, he eats what he can scavenge from trash cans at the base of the mountain, and he is not alone. He is one of thousands who call this camp home, awaiting their chance at crossing." Continue reading
Emory University reports on Dr. Isabella Alexander-Nathani's work to bring the migrant & refugee crisis into the classroom and bring the classroom into the communities most effected by the crisis. In one semester, she impacts the lives of students across four continents. Read now